Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Knowles, Ralph - Private (84184)

(No soldier photo available)
Royal Army Medical Corps,
Died 17th November 1919
Age 40,
Buried at St. John's Stonefold.

Ralph Knowles was born in Stonefold near Haslingden in 1879. He was the son of James and Rachel Knowles of 10, Black Lane, Stonefold. In 1881, Ralph, aged 1 was living in Stonefold (presumably still at 10 Black Lane) with his parents and older brothers Thomas and James B. In 1891 Ralph aged 11, was still living at the same address with his parents and brothers Thomas, James, John and Ernest and sister Margaret. By 1901 the family had moved to 4, Stonefold and Ralph was living, with his parents, brothers Thomas, John, Grant and Arnold and sister Margaret and at the age of 21 he was employed as a farm labourer. In 1910, Ralph married Fanny Whittaker in Haslingden. During the war he joined the Royal Army Medical Corps, survived the war, but sadly died the following year possibly due to the influenza epidemic. He died on 17 November 1919, aged 40 and was buried in Stonefold Churchyard on 22 November. At the time of his death, he lived at 17 Stonefold.