Friday, 26 June 2015

Duckworth, Frank - Sergeant (25535)

Sgt Frank Duckworth
18th Battalion,
Manchester Regiment,
Killed in Action,
14th December 1917,
Age 30,
Commemorated Tyne Cot Memorial.

Newspaper Report: 

The report received on New Year's Day that Sergeant Frank Duckworth, Manchester Regiment, was killed in action on December 14th, 1917, is now officially confirmed.  He was the son of Mr. Thomas Duckworth, stone merchant, and Mrs. Duckworth, of Sunnyhurst House, Haslingden.
Thirty years of age, he lived in Manchester a number of years prior to enlistment in December, 1914.
A memorial service has been held at St. Ambrose Church, C-on-M., where he was on the roll of honour.  He leaves a wife and an infant son.
Formerly he was connected with Ebenezer Baptist Church, Haslingden.  His brother, Sapper H.V. Duckworth, was wounded (for the third time) in June, 1917, and succeeded in being transferred to Haslingden Auxuiliary Hospital, where he has been during the past six months, Another brother has been killed in action. 

Sgt. Frank Duckworth - Census information - (Click over to enlarge)