Saturday, 16 May 2015

Tattersall, Harry - Lance Corporal (17365)

Lce Corp Harry Tattersall
8th Battalion,
East Lancashire Regiment,
Killed in Action
3rd May 1916
Age 27

Buried at Foncquevillers Military Cemetery.

Newspaper Report:

General sympathy is felt with Mr. and Mrs. John Tattersall, of 11, Piccadilly Street, Haslingden, in their sad bereavement by the death of their son, Lance Corporal Harry Hattersall, who was reported killed in action on May 3rd.  The deceased soldier, who would have been 27 years of age if he had lived until July next, enlisted in the East Lancashires on December 9th, 1914, and shortly afterwards his younger brother, Walter, aged 25 years, enlisted in the Grenadier Guards, and is now at the front.  An elder brother, Fred, aged 30, is also on military duty in France, being employed in connection with a canteen at Dieppe.  Prior to enlistment the deceased worked as a beamer at Whitaker's Mill, and his name is on the roll of honour at Manchester Road Wesleyan Sunday School, and also at the Haslingden Liberal Club.
On enlistment he proceeded to Codford Camp for training, and in July last he was drafted to France.
In a letter received from him only last week he wrote very cheerfully and said that he was "in the pink," and also expressed the hope that he would be coming home on furlough.  His brother Walter was home on furlough about a month ago, and is again at the front.  Second-Lieut. F. Edmundson, of the 8th East Lancashires, with whom deceased was a Lance-Corporal, wrote to the family a most sympathetic letter notifying them of their sad loss, and stating that deceased passed away instantaneously and without pain.  He adds:  "Your son's death is a great loss to myself and the company, as at all times and under any conditions he was always foremost to do his duty."  Another letter was received on Monday evening from Corporal J. Blackwell, of the same company, who stated that the deceased had been in their platoon and in their section since Christmas, and was liked by everyone in the company.  He was always ready for work and was ever cheerful and smiling.  His death was a personal loss, for he and the writer were chums.  They had had a few weeks rest from the trenches, and on May 3rd they were spending their first night in the trenches on their return to active duty.  The deceased was told off for duty but soon after midnight it was reported that he had been hit, and Corporal Blackwell and another corporal and a few men started to his assistance.
They were being shelled, and a piece of shrapnel had hit Harry in the chest and he passed away almost instantaneously.